Free downloads of: 'IN CLOUD CUCKOOLAND', 'Anonymous', 'Overzealous Work Ethic', and 'Opus.1'

Tuesday 18 January 2011

It's been a good day for recording music. Starting work later in the day, and my wife was out at Uni, so I had an opportunity to try and get a recording done.

After doing different things, I managed to settle down to the computer. Recently myself and my wife had gutted out cupboards etc, and I bought containers and boxes for them. So I bought one for my music equipment. So, now it is effortless getting all the stuff out. So hooked all the wires up, etc, and had an idea for a song.

Over the last few days, sitting on buses going to and fro, I had the idea of using the nice piano tune I have that was part of 'To Whom this May Concern'. It is a flowing tune, and I thought it would work really well with one of the sets of lyrics I have written entitled ''. The song is about suicide pacts that particularly younger people make. It is quite a sad topic and quite upsetting to read some of the stories. The internet gives these people this means of committing suicide. The last verses is particularly in relation to a story I read about two teenage girls who jumped hand in hand out of a block of flats in France. I thought the music would have to be nice, but the song quite dark due to the subject matter.

So close to death,
So close to fate,
So close to death,
It's all to late,

Because there is no more,
That I can take,
The real world has gone,
Happiness betrayed,

Where smiles once sat,
Scarred lips now bleed,
I thank you mum and dad,
But my fates now sealed,

Amongst friends, a common goal,
A kindred saddness unites us all,
(Cocktail of pills, and savage slits to the wrists,)
And a leap off the ledge, hand in hand,
We'll meet some other where, somewhere better than this,

Written January 2011

So with these lyrics, and the idea of using the piano tune I got recording. I hooked the keyboard up to my echo machine pedal and essentially left it set up the way it was: with no repeat, half time, and on reverse. The piano tune was recording in one take. Having to rest it on a bed maybe 30cm off the ground and playing it from a chair much taller, added problems, but I still managed to record it in one go. The reverse just adds this beautiful but haunting quality to the song. On its own it sounds amazing, but I wanted more in this song, but not too much.

Again, listening to music on the bus and being inspired, the Silversun Pickups on their album 'Swoon', have an outro to their first song that sounds amazing. They use a deep synth and it sounds absolutely fantastic with the delayed guitars. So I wanted that, a very deep synth, and I did. 'Synth44' on the keyboard, and initially recorded a light strong section that is easy and sounds great after duplicating it three times, and making it come out of different speakers. Then recorded the deep synth. All so far have only taken one try and worked perfectly. So duplicated the deep synth, and did coming outta earphones stuff.

So I wanted to record a simple lead part in the background. I initially thought the lead would sound best as a clean piece, but it didn't; it did however sound great with an echo where the timing was quicker. Sounded great and did it on first try. I also recorded the bass. I want to make the bass quite funky but in a weird way, so I again used the reverse echo pedal. It cut up and delayed the bass, and it sounds amazing and really makes the song uncomfortable. Again, done on the first take.

I then recorded a drum beat using the keyboard and pedal too. It sounded cool on it's own, but not so much with the song. Kinda pulled it off the natural path it was taking.

I recorded the vocals to just the keyboard-piano part. I had to rerecord this about 3 times due to the sound not being great. I had also put a little vocal part at the start but it sounded rubbish. I then after editing bits out of the song and changing volumes extra, cut up bits of the singing and put it on a seperate line. So there are lots of cut up vocal parts throughout the song, right from the start.

And that is it. After a few hours of recording, and editing the song is essentially finished. It is more than what I expected. I thought it'd turn out to be a fairly plain song. But it has turned into a song that to me, sounds great. It fell into place on it's own. I'm delighted with the song, and can't wait to get it up on the net for free download. Will do so soon.

Watch this space,
Wullae (coming soon)

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