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Thursday 31 March 2011

The story behind - Retrospect

The rain lashed off the window. It was such a dreary day. No one was about in the streets. The sporadic cars passed; the odd pedestrians voice heard are corners.

Turning from the window, I could smell the strong odour that the hairspray gives off. Witnessed a hairdresser cutting my wife's hair. She was the only customer and I was the only person sitting on the seats, waiting for her. Every now and again she'd glance and me and make a smile gesture. I'd do the same.

Sitting there, I thought about what my life would be like if I lost her. You know, through stupid things or through bigger things, and made me think about how lucky I am to be with her.

So I took my phone out as I sat in the hairdressers and began writing. Just naturally wrote about what I would feel if I lost her, due to any number of reasons. Made me feel sad. I don't think the weather was helping the mood much either. But it made me write a set of honest lyrics, touching on an area I'd had never written about before.


In retrospect,
I wish it hadn't ended the way it had,
Full of vehement, vexed and vocal,
The regret I bare, so great, so sad,
Oh happiness gone away,
In retrospect,

In retrospect,
I bit the hand that feeds,
Walked over broken memories,
Burned the bridges to your heart and soul,
Disseminated your beliefs,
I don't even know, where to start
Or where it ended,
As the rain pours down, the window,
Each droplet reminds each minute together,
Because you were my life.

Written in 2010 in a

I had quickly, and had recently written the guitar riff for the song. It has a little hearted, blues style riff to begin with but then goes into a gentle plucking piece that gets quite emotional. I enjoy playing the song, and performed it for the first time live at the Victoria Bar gig, 2011. To me it is quite a plain song, but good for that reason. The way it should be.

Watch this space for more The Story Behind...

Download Retrospect and Retrospect (Acoustic Version) free at soundcloud

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