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Friday, 8 July 2011

Oil Painting

I knew that from the recent 'Overzealous Work Ethic' recordings I wanted the next song to be a simple straight forward recording. A nice flowing piano tune, about something nice again, but I wasn't sure what. I began writing a new piano tune. Instead of primarily using the lighter keys, I wanted to use the deeper ones. I then quickly again came up with a lovely flowing piano tune. Quite complicated but still quite a simple song and set up.

I considered what to do with it. I had a song title I had come up with (with the bundle of others I have sitting at the moment) entitled 'Oil Painting'. I thought this was a really nice title and wanted to write about a nice painting. Something you would paint and it would be beautiful to you. And so, as soppy as it sounds, if I were to paint a painting of my wife I think that'd be one of the most beautiful things I could ever paint.

Oil Painting

The canvas sits
With an elegant sketch
Of your beautiful outline
painting in your eyes,
That dark wooden oak
Brings you to life

If I were to paint this oil picture of you
It'd be the most beautiful piece of work, I'd ever view

The strokes gently brush on the skin,
Pale and soft as delicate as silk
The colours develop your beauty
Sit back and take you in,

If I were to paint this oil picture of you
It'd be the most beautiful piece of work, I'd ever view

Written 7/7/11, at home

This song really didn't take a lot of time to record and is very simple and is suppose to be that way. I recorded the vocals to the piano tune I had come up with. It actually took quite a few attempts as the vocals had to be spot on with the tone or it just didn't work. I finally got one I was happy with, and then, inspired by a Joseph Arthur song, I used my keyboard and created strings for the song that were very deep. I did this by using the violin setting, pressing the key down and turning the volume up and down at the same time. It sounded perfect. Exactly what I wanted. So I then added a phone ringing half way through the song - just for atmosphere, there is no logical reason to why it is a phone. And that is that. However, I do feel that this song could use something else in ti and so it may change.

Watch this space,

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