Free downloads of: 'IN CLOUD CUCKOOLAND', 'Anonymous', 'Overzealous Work Ethic', and 'Opus.1'

Thursday, 1 September 2011

New lyrics: White Lies

I'm on the coach again. I feel quite low and I don't really know why. I don't know if it is because I'm so isolated a lot of my working day, and because I have very little time to socialise with anyone. I don't know if it is cause of certain aspects of work. I don't know really. But I feel down. Sad. But I'm fine feeling it. It is a good thing. It allows me to feel emotions that I can write about. That I wouldn't otherwise be able to do. I have wrapped myself in music to reflect my mood such as, at present, I'm listening to 'Right where it belongs' by Nine Inch Nails. This song has one of the most powerful, tragic and beautiful lyrics I've ever heard in a song. The song is so sad and meaningful. With my mood sitting the way it is, and listening to the music, I have written a set of lyrics.

The title appeared first. It was first thing this morning, I came up with 'White Lies'. I thought that's quite a good subject to use for 'Under the Pyramids', as it is about different types of secrets and lies. This type of lying is said to try and not hurt or offend another individual; however, if the other person is aware of the lies, then this can have a deterimental effect on any relationship. And so that is what this song is about. It is written as someone viewing someone else, who they know is telling them white lies but never let's on that they are aware, but it tears them apart when they know it is happening.

White Lies

I want to believe every word you say,
And all the sentiments expressed,
I want to hear the passion in your voice,
And see the confused nature of the rhetoric,

I am dying with every word spoken,
Because of all those white lies,
The more you say, the more I'm broken,
Because of all those white lies,

I stare at you as you create an imaginative narrative,
Bewildered by fairytales you've written,
I watch as your tongue lashes a subtle morse code,
With which you begin to believe, live and breathe,

I am dying with every word spoken,
Because of all those white lies,
The more you say, the more I'm broken,
Because of all those white lies,

Written 1/9/11 on the coach from Glasgow to Edinburgh listen to 'What we will never know' by Innerpartysystem and 'Right where it belongs V2' by Nine Inch Nails.

I am still feeling a little down, and I'm sure I'll snap out of it soon enough.

Watch this space,

(New tracks for free download on band camp including 'In Cloud Cuckooland' songs)

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