Free downloads of: 'IN CLOUD CUCKOOLAND', 'Anonymous', 'Overzealous Work Ethic', and 'Opus.1'

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Radio, Reviews and Twitter II

So, what's been happening since the last blog post?  Quite a lot actually.  I am delighted with the pace with which things have picked up and the opportunities that have come my way.  I am actually feeling very lucky at the moment and hope that things continue the way they have.  Let me summarise what has been happening since the last post.

Jim Gellatly's Amazing Radio Show

I was slowly being rocked back and forth as the bus ascended the road it was on.  I had just recently taken a picture of a suitcase that was hilariously perched on top of a bus shelter, as you do.  I checked my Blackberry and saw the wee red flashing light.  I checked my phone and I had received an e-mail.  It was from someone from Amazing Radio stating that Jim Gellatly had selected one of my songs from my amazingtunes account and would play it on his show that weekend.  Elated, I was consumed in sheer delight.  I couldn't wait to hear it.  At this time I actually had no idea what track had been selected and I had to wait until the weekend to find out.  

So on the Sunday, I sat there, with my mobile phone and watched the tracks come up on Jim's show on the Amazing Radio website.  I excitedly scanned back and forwards through the tracks that had been played and were currently being played, to make sure I hadn't missed it.  Then with great delight, my name appeared, 'Wullae Wright: Red Bridge'.  I was delighted he had selected this track as I would regard it as one of my best songs.  It was the acoustic Red Bridge from Opus. 1.  A good few of my friends contacted me to let me know they had heard it and their support was amazing.  I was absolutely delighted with Jim's description of Red Bridge, saying it had "...shades of acoustic Radiohead".  For me, an unbelievably fantastic compliment.

Red Dragon Records - 'Renaissance' Compilation Album

Sourcing more people through Twitter to network with, I somehow found Red Dragon Records - or they found me, I do not remember.  They were organising a compilation album entitled 'Renaissance' and were looking for unsigned musicians to contact them for this.  So I did.  I had always wanted my music to be featured on a compilation album as it would get some exposure and is generally just cool to be on.  I had originally submitted 'Operation Payback' from my album 'Anonymous'.  I received an e-mail from Red Dragon to say that one of my tracks had been shortlisted for the compilation album, and to ensure it makes it onto the album, I would have to get people to 'like' the track on a Red Dragon Facebook page.  Excited, I had a look on the Facebook page and was surprised to find my track 'UFO' had been selected for the compilation album.  I was delighted at this because the song was from the new album I'm working on, and would give it some exposure.  I was contacted by music technology student Karis Amber Carise who told me she had selected 'UFO' for the shortlist.  I was so thankful to her for selecting it and for her kind words about the song.

As a solo musician I had concerns that I would not be able to make high numbers for 'UFO' - as I was competing against bands who could have three or five band members and so have five times the amount of support as I would have.  This did not dissuade me from trying.  I persevered and contacted many people through different networking sites including Twitter, Facebook and Soundcloud.  The amount of support I received was fantastic and I am incredibly thankful to everyone who helped out by sharing the link for the song and by suggesting it to friends etc.  I had people I didn't even know like it, and some sending me lovely comments about the song.  I was so grateful.  I was particularly thankful to my wife who shared the link and got lots of her friends to like it etc.  I'm also forever grateful to Stuart Carroll for his help with the strings on 'UFO' and for his constant support.

The number of likes for the track reached around 49 and sat at that number.  Other songs were reaching into the 100s.  I watched the progress of the other tracks.  Red Dragon Records had put that they would selected the top four songs, with the most likes.  I could see that I was not in the top four and thought that my shot of being on the album were over.  To my absolute surprise I received an e-mail stating that Red Dragon Records had in fact selected six tracks instead of four, and I had a guaranteed place on the compilation album.  I was absolutely delighted by this.  I competed all necessary steps to ensure that there would be no problems with this.  'Renaissance' is expected for release on 07/01/2013.  They are still going through the shortlist process with other bands, but I feel comfortable knowing that I am definitely on it.  So thanks to everyone again, because I wouldn't be on it if it were not for all you guys and your support.

Niji Magazine Feature

I had mentioned in the previous post that I was awaiting Niji Magazine and their feature on my music.  One day I was browsing through my Twitter account and clocked Niji Magazine and the feature on me.  I was so excited and immediately had a look.  It was excellent, putting audios up from Soundcloud and it was an edited version of my own short biography I had sent them.  I was absolutely delighted by this.

Freaky Pug PR/Records

I was delighted to receive a message from Freaky Pug Records stating that they had including my last blog entry as a top feature in their online newspaper.  I was so thankful to them for this, and was delighted that the lovely people at Freaky Pug had enjoyed the blog entry.  After finding out about the Niji Magazine feature, I excitedly posted tweets etc about IT.  I was so grateful to be told by Freaky Pug that they had included this feature as a top feature on their online newspaper too.  This kind of support and exposure is absolutely amazing and much appreciated.

Freaky Pug has recently teamed up with Brit Rock Army to create a compilation album.  I was very excited for them and thought that they would do such a great job with that.  I did not hesitate to submit tracks to them for consideration - submitting 'UFO'.  If shortlisted for the album, the process will be much the same as the Red Dragon process of people having to 'like' the track.  I can only wait and see what happens.

Album/song Downloads

Since the last blog entry I have had quite a bit of success with my Album and individual song downloads.  I was not expecting the level of downloads I have received and I am of course absolutely delight by this.  I have had 17 album downloads and 8 song downloads.  'AFTER. THE. RUSH. HOUR'S. GONE' has been downloaded 7 times, 'Opus. 1' 3 times, 'In Cloud Cuckooland' 4 times, 'Anonymous' 2 times and 'Welcome to the Anonymous: Alternative Version' once.  I've also had 'Red Bridge' downloaded 3 times, 'UFO' 3 times, 'Surveillance Society' once and 'La Rue. Noir. Paris (A Portrait of the Streets of Paris at Night)' once.  This has been my most successful time for downloads ever, and this is all due to the support from everyone around me, so thank you everyone.

Exciting prospects

This is just some of what has been happening, aside from the odd bit of recording and editing.  I have had an extremely amazing proposition recently, which I am currently in talks with.  This is creating some very very exciting prospects for me and my music for 2013 and particularly 2014 if all goes as expected.  Exciting times ahead people.

Watch this space,

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