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Thursday 30 September 2010

Blue Funk

Recorded and blog written 29/09/10

Today I managed to record a whole new song, and it is actually brilliant.

I had managed to download many looped drum beats off the internet on the 27th of September. I downloaded quite a few and was really eager to use them, and create some new songs. I have been recently have the urge to get away from the 'In Cloud Cuckooland' theme for a while to see what else surfaces. Today has taken that step.

I wired up all my guitar equipment to the computer, and pondered my next move. I listened over the loops I'd downloaded and settled on a funky one. I duplicated it to a constant beat of over 7 minutes. I then was thinking what to start with, and had an old bass riff i'd never managed to record anything with. It is a Death from Above 1979 sounding bass riff, but today, instead of using a distorted effect with it, i opted for a clean jazzer sound. I began playing and thought it sounded cool as. I just for the hell of it decided to see how slap bass would sound at the chorus section of the riff, and it recorded beautifully. Sounds amazing.

Once I had laid the bass down, and got it all perfect, I came up with an excellent lead part straight away, essentially. Messed about for a little bit, but it came together very quickly. Tried it with a bit of wah at first, but was just too much. So kept it clean. I then wanted to add a strum-rhythm part, and after messing around with different chords, started playing a very James Brown sounding funk guitaring. Recorded it once and it sounds brilliant.

I took the drums out and recorded vocals over the top of the bass and two guitars. First singing recording and it was done. When singing the song i found myself moving my hands like waves and shit. Pure got into the funk beats of the song. Feels so cool.

I then added the drums back in, edited the files sound levels and edited the drums big style. I imported other drum beats and used different ones, and cut up the original to make more beats. The song was recording in its entirety in around 3 hours, and sounds amazing. I only altered the lyrics ever so slightly and it was spontaneous and felt good to do it. The end result is a cool funky ass song. It will be available to download on very soon I hope.

This is the start, of something good.

Watch this space,

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