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Sunday 19 September 2010

Mr Brycey (I love you man)

Written 17/09/10

Today was a day of triumph, of elation, of pure musical genius. I invited my very dear acquintance up to my flat, Mr Brycey. He is moving to Australia in a weeks time and I have no idea when I may see him again.

For many years I kept saying to my friend, 'we should definitely jam sometime'. Never had we both had the time to meet and jam; or should I say I found it more difficult to find the time. So, with a week to go before he does not return to Scotland for maybe years, I decided tonight was our chance to jam like we'd always wanted. Turns out, it didn't exactly work out that way, but it was so much fun.

Mr Brycey, myself and my wife all went into the spare room and began writing a classic song. My wife took a motivational role, giving me the finger every now and again. And Mr Brycey did play both the bass and guitar...but not on the recording. So I lept into action, and recorded on first take the guitar, bass, lead guitar and drums, and vocals (if they can be called vocals!); all done in a few hours. Class.

The end result is, I must admit, a beautifully arranged song...with awful singing, and lyrics to match. The lyrics were improvised (if you ever hear this song, you would notice that fact straight away) and sang in a weird high pitched tone. Elegant, and disgusting all rolled into one. However, this was a song for my friend before he goes to the other side of the world and we may never share an experience like it again, so it was a brilliant night. He is, an absolute legend and will be missed greatly by both myself and my wife...and my cats.

So, here are the fantastic lyrics to the unforgettable,
'Mr Brycey (I love you man)':

'That was the best breakfast I've had since Gary Wilmotts wedding',
This is a song for Brycey,
He really likes Magnum PIs mustache and Patrick Stewarts baldy head,
BRYCEY ohhh,
My god,
Brycey is going to Australia,
He likes to eat chips in Australia,
Oh my god,
He is going to live in a house with a garden,
He might buy a dog someday,
Isn't that right Vikki?

She gives me the finger,
But it's ok because Brycey is in my house,
He's a lovely man,
He's like Peter pan,
Except without the green trousers and funny hat,
His name is Mr Bryce, to me and you, it's Brycey,

Ohhh Brycey,
'Can I have that seat?',
'Yah fucking cunt yah!',
Ashleigh is his girlfriend,
She is his bestest friend,
She smiles and he smiles,
They drive for miles and miles,
Giles, and piles of tiles,
Oh Brycey,
He likes

Vikki gave me the finger,
But it doesn't matter because Brycey is in my room,
Zoom zoom zoom,
'Can i have that seat? many cats do you have? only have two?...I don't have any cats!...i like bridges!...I like Jeff Bridges...I like chicken...Brycey likes chicken, don't you Brycey?...Bryce won't talk but he likes chicken, and chips, and peas, he likes his veg',
'Yah fucking cunt ya!, ...Aristotle once said!',
Brycey is going to Australia, bye bye Brycey, love you Brycey, we all love you Brycey, and your hair and you beard that doesn't exist anymore!,
Love you man (said by Brycey!),
Love you too man (said by Wullae).

Written and recorded on 17/09/10 with Mr Brycey and my wife.

I hope he has the best of luck in Australia. This song is too good to be included in 'In Cloud Cuckooland', so I will keep it for another one.

Watch this space, Mr Brycey,

Pure love you man! Take care. W

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