Free downloads of: 'IN CLOUD CUCKOOLAND', 'Anonymous', 'Overzealous Work Ethic', and 'Opus.1'

Friday, 5 August 2011

I'm with Stupid and the end of 'Overzealous Work Ethic'

Where have I been? I tell ya, packing up my house, that's what. Myself and my wife made the decision to pack up and move to Edinburgh. The day of posting this, we only have about 3 days before the removal firm come and take away our stuff and then the new humble abode will be in Edinburgh.

Before all the packing and working and stressing however, I managed to record another 'Overzealous Work Ethic' song. This - I knew at the time, will most probably be the last of the 'Overzealous Work Ethic' songs. When I move I will have to leave my keyboard and acoustic guitar with my family as I can only take a couple of instruments due to space. I'm greatly chuffed by this, but it is a compromise I am having to make. I will be taking my Electric and Bass guitars however, so I will no doubt, still write and record some music.

So I began writing a new piano tune. It flowed nicely, and came together as I recorded it. It took over 90 attempts to get the actually piano part, by which time I was starting to give up. I knew I had to get the song recorded that day as it'd be my last opportunity to do so. I still feel I have so much to offer 'Overzealous Work Ethic', but because of the move I cannot.

When putting the song together, I used an earlier messed up part as the intro, and another messed up part as the outro. Both of them end with me smacking fuck out of the keys from frustration. Adds to the theme of the song I think. I think put the finished and best part as the centre piece and added vocals. One take, all done. And I'm quick happy with it.

So later I added some brass and string samples, cut up and arranged. This took quite a bit of time and was done the next day. I edited the song and that was that.

The song itself is called 'I'm with Stupid' and is about a time in your life when you change. When you become someone else. When you drift away from who you really are, and then only now in retrospect can you say to yourself 'what the fuck was I doing?'. Where you look back and it could be amusing, or fills you with dread. A moment you're unhappy with, or feel you just took a wrong direction. I wrote this from personal experience. I feel I have made a couple of bad turns in my life, and the only person to blame, is me. That's stupid. The side of you that changed.

I'm with Stupid

I've had to eat humble pie,
Seen a man, about a dog,
Been there, done that,
Such is life,

My overzealous work ethic
That's what I have to say goodbye to
I'm no longer with stupid
This is my new start, my new beginning,

No guts, no glory,
Couldn't even, swing a cat in here,
I was my own, faux pas,
Tuned to the moon, some might say,

My overzealous work ethic
That's what I have to say goodbye to
I'm no longer with stupid
This is my new start, my new beginning,

Written July 2011

So I made this song into a video for youtube, and I'm glad I did. My computer days later got another virus...and it did the same thing as last time, wiped all the music audio files. I thought I'd lost this new song until I found the video and changed formats etc to get an MP3 version of it again. So I'm very happy with that. Also I saved 'Anonymous', 'Opus. 1' and 'Overzealous Work Ethic' have all been saved to cd. So I still have all the 2011 recordings, so no great loss.

So this seems to be the end of the road for 'Overzealous Work Ethic'. I've enjoyed making the orchestrated sound for the E.P. It is something I always wanted to do and never thought I would, so I'm very happy with it. Just wish I could have added more to it. So the E.P., when up on bandcamp will look like this:

Overzealous Work Ethic

1. To Scratch an Itch
2. Evil Eye
3. The Busker
4. Don't Judge a Book by it's Cover
5. Chameleon Child
6. Oil Painting
7. I'm with Stupid

When I can, I'll put all songs up on bandcamp. The next project I will start on will be made in a new house, in a new city. I have no idea what I'll do next.

Watch this space,

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