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Tuesday 16 August 2011

New lyrics: 'Orchid and Thorns Embroiled' and 'Concrete Clowns'

Since moving to Edinburgh, I haven't even had the chance to pick up a guitar. I haven't had a chance to sing, so do anythingf musically at all. It is quite annoying as I have so many ideas that I would like to start experimenting with.

I have however been writing, and trying to think of new ways to write. Educate my mind a little. So I have been using different poetic styles of writing to try and give my songs a different character.

I wrote 'Black Arts' in a Haiku style poem, and I did the same for a new set of lyrics entitled 'Orchid and Thorn Embroiled'. This song is about being in a relationship and how it fails because things are not discussed. It centres largely around cheating, and my experiences of having someone cheat on me. The secrets and the arguing and not understanding.

Orchid and Thorn Embroiled

Darling petals fall
Orchid and Thorns embroiled
Time heals old quarrels

Mistakes will be made
All should learn from them one day
Broken hearts will mend

No such covenant
Under the mind's own duress
When two minus one

All the reasons why
Take the time to understand
A once bitter grudge

Darling petals fall
Orchid and Thorns embroiled
Time heals old quarrels

No saint, both sinner
Unsung songs by both gender
Hearts apart blossom

All the reasons why
Take the time to understand
A once bitter grudge

Darling petals fall
Orchid and Thorns embroiled
Time heals old quarrels

Written as a Haiku poem on 15/8/11 on the bus from Glasgow to Wishaw, listening to 'Tamer Animals' by Other Lives

I also began another set of lyrics, but in a different poetic style. I want to explore as many different styles as possible, and so started writing one as an English sonnet. The song entitled 'Concrete Clowns' is about the recently rioting throughout England. My own personal feelings and opinions on this topic is that a small group of anti-social individuals hi-jacked a peaceful protest, and used it to begin a campaign of unnecessary destruction. No excuses, or reasoning by those involved can explain the terrible behaviour including the looting, arson, and even murders that happen that week.

Concrete Clowns

Hear the marching of boots,
See the riot vans deployed,
A cause that's loots,
Is a cause destroyed,

With each sea of fire,
Concrete clowns rampage the streets,
A inaudiable orchastrated choir,
Free money and endless treats,

A pup lies with a shattered skull,
The peelers are ripped to pieces,,
Showers bring about a quiet lull,
It's time to iron out the creases,

What to do with the concrete clown,
After they have burned England to the ground?

Written 15-16/8/11 on buses from Glasgow to Edinburgh/Edinburgh to Glasgow, in the form of an English sonnet poem.

I will continue to write more poems as time goes on. I will not be able to write or record any music over the next few weeks, but hopefully will do in the next few months or so. I'm looking forward to starting to create the sound for the sister album to 'Anonymous'.

Watch this space,

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